Psst, Here’s What Moms Really Want For Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is just around the corner and if you are still fretting over what to get for your mom especially with quarantine making it impossible to go out for a meal or shop for gifts, continue reading!

There are many ways to show your appreciation and gratitude to your mom, and I’ll let you in on a secret: here are some things that moms themselves have mentioned to be what they wish for on their special day.

1. Prepare and serve breakfast/dinner

Take advantage of the occasion and reverse the roles! Prepare and serve breakfast to your mom to brighten her day as soon as she wakes up. If breakfast isn’t a thing in your household, you can always cook dinner or bake your mom’s favourite pastries. It’s the thought and effort that counts. Especially with lockdown, it’s now a perfect time to try out new recipes and surprise your mom with some yummy food!

2. Clean the house

What’s a better gift than a clean and spotless house without you lifting a finger? Our moms always clean up after us no matter how tired they are; they would definitely appreciate it if they could take a day off and get your help to keep the house in order. It doesn’t take much either, sweeping and mopping the floors, washing the dishes or even just ironing the clothes would be great.

3. Handwritten note/letter

While baking a cake and getting your mom flowers is sweet, nothing beats your sincere, heartfelt words. It is also a pretty good alternative to a dinner outside since we are currently under a lockdown.

Writing a letter is wonderful because it gives you the time to reflect and think about your own relationship with your mom, how much she has impacted your life and is also great if you are too shy to convey yourself through speech. Your mom will love receiving a personal and sincere letter from you!

If you are unsure of what to write in your letter, here are a few prompts to get you started:

  • I love my mom because…
  • The most important lesson my mom taught me…
  • One thing I can do to make my mom’s life easier…
  • Two things I can learn from my mom…
  • Three things that I appreciate and love about my mom…
  • My favourite memory of/with my mom…
  • My first memory of my mom…
  • If my mom had a superpower, it would be…
  • How my mom makes me feel…
  • I should tell my mom that…
  • On Mother’s Day, I will…

These prompts are just a starting point for you, remember to write exactly how you feel. If your mom loves jokes, write a couple for her. If she loves drawings, doodle some in the corners, it’ll make her smile. The most important thing is that you express your feelings to her through this letter!

It’s also important to brainstorm before writing your letter and you can do so on Journey. The app not only gives you the opportunity to jot down your thoughts and feelings, but daily prompts (such as those listed above) are also given to you through a feature called Journey Coach.

As cliché as it sounds, what moms really want is love and appreciation from their loved ones so take this Mother’s Day as an opportunity to shower your mom with more love and if you find yourself itching to write a letter, use Journey to get you started!