Practicing gratitude may seem foreign and may not be something that you do frequently. It definitely becomes harder to practice gratitude when you’re simply not in the mood to do anything and when nothing seems to be going right – “What exactly can I be grateful for?” you might wonder.

Many are having a tough time feeling grateful during this pandemic where everything seems bleak and we are left pondering over what we can be thankful for. It seems as though nothing is certain, and the entire world is in a mess, making it difficult for us to feel thankful for anything.

However, practicing gratitude brings you lots of benefits such as:

  • A more optimistic attitude towards life
  • Feeling happier
  • Being more connected to people
  • Improves your overall wellbeing
  • Better quality of sleep

But the question still stands: How do I practice gratitude when I’m not in the mood?

Here are 6 easy and simple steps you can try out!

1. Talk to someone

Photo by Volodymyr Hryshchenko on Unsplash

As social creatures, we will feel better after talking to someone since it helps distract us so that we don’t get too caught up in our thoughts on those bad days. Have a chat with someone, be it someone living with you, or through a screen with a group of friends.

Catch up with them, talk about what you are currently doing and just spend quality time with them. You will feel better which makes it easier for you to feel grateful, especially little things like a group of friends you can call on.

2. Write in a Gratitude Journal

Photo by Gabrielle Henderson on Unsplash

Invest in a gratitude journal. A gratitude journal is a place where you write down what and what you are thankful for and is just a book filled with positivity!

Take some time to focus on yourself and ask yourself what you are grateful for, then write them down in your journal. It can be as simple as being grateful for your family and friends. Write 3 things in the journal daily and make this a habit.

During down days, you can flip through the pages to remind yourself what you are thankful for in your life.

If you are unsure of how to start a gratitude journal, take a look at Journey’s coach programs: Start a Gratitude Diary and Practice Self-Gratitude. These programs not only have a daily prompt for you so that you won’t have to fret over what to write in your journal, but they will also help you cultivate a more positive mindset!

3. Think Positive

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

That seems like a given. But when I say think positive, I meant consciously telling yourself to be optimistic, and think of only the good things as negativity clouds everything around us.

By changing your mindset and thinking more positively, it becomes easier for you to think of what you are grateful for!

4. Appreciate somebody

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

What better way to practice gratitude than by acknowledging and thanking someone?

Express your gratitude towards someone (a family member, a friend or a colleague) by thanking them for being in your life, for helping you out with a problem, telling them you love them, and the list goes on.

5. Be Kind to Yourself

Photo by Caju Gomes on Unsplash

We all have bad days, and with the current pandemic going on, it’s perfectly fine to take a breather and a break when you get overwhelmed.

Don’t be too hard on yourself and treat yourself like how you would treat a friend in need of love. Be kind, more understanding and thoughtful.

Sometimes, all you need to do when practicing gratitude is to be thankful for yourself, and that starts with self-care.

6. Meditate

Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash

Find a quiet space and close your eyes, breathe, and calm your mind. Think and meditate on someone or something you are grateful for, no matter how big or small it is. Meditating helps to bring you to a state of gratitude.

Along with writing a gratitude journal, meditate constantly to improve your wellbeing.

Practicing gratitude may seem like a chore but cultivating it into a habit will bring many benefits and joy to your life. And when you aren’t in the mood to do so, you can always fall back on these six tips!