Gratitude Featured Psst, Here’s What Moms Really Want For Mother’s Day Mother’s Day is just around the corner and if you are still fretting over what to get for your mom especially with quarantine making it impossible to go out for a meal or shop for gifts, continue reading! There are many ways to show your appreciation and gratitude to
Self-improvement How to Plan & Organize your Life to Achieve Goals using Bullet Journaling Life has unpredictable twists and turns. That doesn't mean a little planning doesn't go a long way. Today I want to show you how to plan and organize your life to achieve your goals and get things done. I'll show you all the different tools that I use in a bullet journal.
Self-improvement 25 Journal Prompts for Christmas The holiday season is officially here with all of the hustle and bustle and baking and parties and traditions. Be sure to carve out some quiet time for yourself to refresh and renew your spirit. These 25 journal prompts for Christmas and December are sure to get you centered as
Self-improvement Best Morning Routine Recipe [] Rise and Shine☀️! The start of a new week means a new opportunity to start over and shake off any bad vibes from the week before. Take the morning exercise challenge to get your weekly refresh! Start Writing []
Self-improvement How to Overcome Morning Anxiety in 6 Minutes A lot of people say who struggle with health anxiety have lots of morning anxiety. Today I want to share a system that I've used with you to start overcoming this feeling, to start moving with it, to start defying these fears, and to start moving towards your
Self-improvement The Untethered Soul at Work Have you ever wondered if it's possible to excel work life without limitations and to be in constant peace? Well the answer actually is Yes! Today, I'm going to share with you a book called The Untethered Soul at Work [
Relationship 50 Blissful Things to Do When You Are Alone The relationship you have with yourself is just as important as any other relationship you'll have with anyone else. In the same way, you'd work on your friendship or relationship you have with your partner. The bond you have with yourself requires work. It requires time,
Self-improvement Step by Step Guide to Find Your Purpose in Life through Ikigai We all want to be happy but most of us have no idea what we want to do. Finding what you like to do means having a purpose in life that fulfils not just your desires but the world's needs as well. And if it's something
Self-improvement How to Stay Positive in Negative Times We all find it difficult to stay positive in bad times. This is something that we all struggle with and it's completely normal. We tend to feel like we have no hope or when we go through a challenging time. Perhaps, you just lost somebody, you're
Health Stop Counting Sleep: 6 Habits to reclaim your sleep in a fast pace life Today's article is about how to get better sleep. I personally have struggled with my sleeping habits for quite a long time for a variety of different reasons mainly due to my fast-paced life. If you are struggling with their sleeping habits, I hope you find these tips
Self-improvement 60 Things To Be Thankful Today In order to be great, you must be thankful – full of greatness and gratitude. Having a habit of being thankful creates the space that allows you to be grateful.
Self-improvement 8 Things I Do to Overcome My Bad Days We all have bad days. It's not going to be perfect everyday. It's just one of those days when you're feeling overwhelmed and you're stressed out because of things going on in your life, things that triggered your anxiety, or even depression.
Self-improvement 20 Ways to Simplify Your Life Life can be busy, hectic and complicated sometimes. Luckily, with just a bit of planning, you can get through these hectic times by simplifying your life. In this article, I sat down and made a list of 20 things that can help you to simplify your life today. Simplifying can
Self-improvement How to Win Friends and Influence People for Millennials Do you know that having fewer friends as you get older is more dangerous than being obese or smoking 15 cigarettes a day? Do you know that having a best friend at work can make you seven times more engaged and productive? Regardless of the latest science on friendship, wouldn&
Relationship Featured Here's Why Couples Fight So Much: The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman So I knew this guy who thought he did everything he could for his wife, but the wife was just completely unhappy. He couldn't understand why. Perhaps, he failed to realize that they are speaking in different love languages...
Self-improvement 12 Uplifting Quotes for Positive Vibes Have you ever noticed that a simple phrase a person say may impact you and resonate with you for the rest of that day, that week, that month, or even for the rest of your life? In this article, I'll be putting together the 15 uplifting quotes for positive vibes.
Self-improvement Hal Elrod’s Miracle Morning App The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod is a book that goes into depth about how you can start your day – the best way possible. I'll share with you the 6 habits of Miracle Morning ritual and how to use it on Journey.
Self-improvement The 7 Best Self-Improvement Books Of All Time Formal education will make you a living; self education will make you a fortune. In this article, I'm going to share with you 7 Must-Read Personal Development Books that has helped me to live an abundant life in every area.
Travel 5 Life-Changing Lessons I Learned From Traveling Alone Traveling can teach you more than a classroom, more than a job or even a relationship that ever will. Traveling is being in the real world. In this article, I am going to help you with certain things that traveling can teach you.
Relationship How Words Can Heal A Broken Heart The power and affirmation of positive words can help mend a broken heart. The assurance and clarity you can get from writing your thoughts out is remarkable. Read on to find out more about the power of words and how it can help you.
Relationship Single Mom Cries After Daughter Reads Thank You Letter Raising a family can be difficult when life gets in the way, especially if you're a single parent. This mum has been raising two children on her own. Now, her daughter wants to thank her mom for her help during those difficult years through a letter.
Self-improvement The Million Dollar Habits What do the most successful people in the world today all have in common? They all have the Million Dollar habits. In this article, we'll discover what makes the ultra successful people successful in the first place.
Self-improvement Featured How I Got Rid of Social Media Addiction Social media is the next great addiction after smoking, alcohol, and gambling. New research suggests that people check their phone anywhere from 80 to 300 times a day. Learn how you can combat this addiction today.
Self-improvement How to Deal With Negative People When We Change I'm sure you've heard the quote, "who you surround yourself with, is who you become" a million times. The truth is many of us have people in our lives that we care about but we know aren't good for us.